

  • verb: to use threats or angry speech to make (someone) do or accept something
  • verb: to intimidate or disconcert by a stern manner or arrogant speech
  • often + 'into'
  • synonyms: bully


  • He refuses to be 'browbeaten into' making changes he thinks are not necessary.

  • His father likes to 'browbeat' waiters and waitresses.

Movie quotes

  • (..) After you ignored my phone calls knowing full well - what I was going through? - I needed the time I needed-- time I knew you wouldn't allow without browbeating me somehow into pledging my loyalty. Which, now, all of a sudden, you're willing to do. In good faith, as long as you do the right thing. (..)
    2018 TvShow: Homeland Title: Clarity Season: 7 Episode 10
  • (..) - You're drunk enough. How can you let her call our son a criminal? We come over here to work things out with them, and they insult us... ...they browbeat us... ...they lecture us about being good citizens of the planet. I am glad our son kicked the shit out of your son... ...and I wipe my ass (..)
    2011 Carnage
  • (..) And we'll keep quiet, so we don't ruffle any feathers. Eventually, our female friends will realize we're the best they're going to do, and they'll browbeat us into marrying them. And then we'll get cake. I see one tear, Fatty, and I'm doing it again. Good, you're not busy. (..)
    2007 TvShow: American Dad! Title: The Magnificent Steven Season: 2 Episode 18