

  • adjective: careful to keep 'clean'
  • adverb: in a clean manner
  • adverb: in a 'clean' manner
  • synonyms: fastidious, adroit, adroitly


  • A sharp knife will cut through the skin of a tomato 'cleanly'.

  • This fuel burns more 'cleanly' than other fuels.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Clean. Cleanerific. Cleanerino. Close to godliness. Which means clean. You know, cleanliness is close to... Never mind. Move on. Now, don't you feel better, Remy? You've helped a noble cause. Noble? We're thieves, Dad. And what we're stealing is, (..)
    2007 Ratatouille
  • (..) Well, a sure and steady hand did this. This ain't no squirrey amateur. This is the work of a salty dog. You can tell by the cleanliness of the carnage. Now, a kill-crazy rampage, though it may be, all the colors are kept inside the lines. (..)
    2003 Kill Bill: Vol. 1
  • (..) - "Whoever" is good. - Whoever did this got in a lucky shot or was really good at handling a blade. According to the ME, the aorta was cleanly severed in one penetration. - Not easy to do. - Any luck finding the weapon? It's not on or near the premises. We've checked roofs, sewers, trash bins (..)
    2008 TvShow: Dexter Title: Our Father Season: 3 Episode 1