

  • adjective: secret or private
  • adjective: marked by intimacy or willingness to 'confide'
  • synonyms: trustworthy, secret, private


  • The doctor committed a 'breach of confidentiality'. [=the doctor told another person private information about a patient]

  • All medical records are treated with complete 'confidentiality'. [=are kept completely private]

  • Someone was leaking 'confidential' information [=telling secrets] to the press.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) so I may put put a word in my man's ear? Yeah, I'm expecting to fall in love once I see the specimens at Candyland, so before that moment, it would be good if I could have a confidential strategy meeting with my… confidant. – You mind tellin' me what the hell you doing? – I've confirmed that (..)
    2012 Django Unchained
  • (..) We'll make them available for the Union. And once the Investigation is complete, we'll be able to share the actual computer simulations For now, they remain confidential. We cannot afford a leak to the press. There has been far too much talk for the press already. transcripts we'll call you back . (..)
    2016 Sully
  • (..) We understand you've settled several cases against each of them. Even if I'd been involved in those cases, the settlements would be confidential and I could be disbarred for acknowledging their existence. Okay? Mm-hmm. Look, I told you guys (..)
    2015 Spotlight