

  • adjective: unpleasant and difficult to accept or experience
  • adjective: having a coarse uneven surface that is rough or unpleasant to the touch
  • synonyms: rough, disagreeable, grating


  • The accident serves as a 'harsh' reminder of the importance of wearing a seat belt.

  • It's time for her to face the 'harsh' realities of this situation.

  • She has been criticized for her 'harsh' treatment of his students.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) Worrying about what other people think of us. Man, I must be the worst teacher ever. The truth , the harshest words Are the ones we say about ourselves. You okay, sweetie? No, ben. I don't belong here. (..)
    2009 TvShow: Scrubs Title: Our First Day of School Season: 9 Episode 1
  • (..) our positions. You and I are in business together. We should have a business meeting. You mean you love to have another opportunity to try and kill me. Oh, that's harsh. But perhaps. Wait and see. Come to Venice, Via Dolorosa. Wonderful. Bye, then. Harder. Here it comes. Hide everybody. (..)
    2001 Lara Croft: Tomb Raider
  • (..) We never met Nick. He never introduced himself. Why was that, noelle? Why do you think? I think we know why. Because he had a violent temper. A little harsh. That's life, baby. He knew I'd have seen right through him. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying it's okay he killed her. (..)
    2014 Gone Girl