

  • noun: the second note of a musical scale
  • noun: the second tone of the diatonic scale in solmization
  • prefix: again
  • used in business and legal writing and e-mail before a word or phrase that states the subject you will be discussing


  • They decided to 're-form' the band. [=to bring the members of the band together again]

  • We're finally starting to see a 'ray of hope' [=a reason to start being hopeful]

  • The scene of the crime was 're-created' based upon police photographs.

Movie quotes

  • (..) Take me! I've got his boot!!! All of this for a family squabble. Healthy babies. Reload the clip. I can't. Gun!!! Give me the gun!! / It's not loaded yet!! Now! (..)
    2015 Mad Max: Fury Road
  • (..) Say hello to Figaro. Oops! Oh-ho-ho! Up to mischiefalready. You see what happens? Boo! Up we go! Ahh. You're a cute little fellow. And that smile? You know, l-- You rascal.Jealous, huh? You know, Pinocchio, l think Figaro isjealous ofyou. Oh-ho, don't worry, Figaro. l sti-- Uh-oh. (..)
    1940 Pinocchio
  • (..) The only sign of life was a lighted window... in the shop ofa wood-carver named, uh, Geppetto. So, l hopped over. And looked in. lt was a shame to see a nice cheerful fi re like that going to waste. So what do l do? l go in. l looked around. Ofcourse, being in a strange place like that, (..)
    1940 Pinocchio