

  • verb: to become healthy after an illness or injury
  • verb: to get back
  • often + 'from'
  • synonyms: regain, retrieve, cure


  • He may sue the company to 'recover damages' for injuries caused by the device. [=to get money from the company to make up for being injured by the device]

  • The author gets no royalties until the publisher 'recovers' [='recoups'] the expenses of publication.

  • He suffered a stroke and hasn't yet 'recovered' the use of his left arm.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) What shall we sacrifice? This will be the largest army we have ever sent out. If the army fails... If they are defeated by the Saxons, our peoples might never recover. Then I repeat, what shall we sacrifice? I think Lathgertha means, "who shall we sacrifice?" Who will be the leader (..)
    2017 TvShow: Vikings Title: Revenge Season: 4 Episode 18
  • (..) ...the fireman... ...and an environment that raised his body temperature above .. This man's still alive. Technically... and biologically. But... he'll never recover. How can this be? The developing organism is using his life energy, digesting bone and tissue. We've just... slowed the process. (..)
    1998 The X Files
  • (..) Dialogue: ..,Default,,,But you didn't because\Nyou love solving cases Dialogue: ..,Default,,,and you love me so much. Dialogue: ..,Default,,,And because we all agreed\Nto the rules: Dialogue: ..,Default,,,Once those bones are recovered,\Nyou go home. Dialogue: ..,Default,,,Yeah, okay. (..)
    2016 TvShow: Bones Title: The Death in the Defense Season: 11 Episode 11