

  • verb: to be on every side of (someone or something)
  • verb: to enclose on all sides
  • often used as '(be) surrounded'
  • synonyms: envelop, invest, encircle


  • Her family 'surrounded' her 'with' love and attention. [=her family gave her a lot of love and attention]

  • As a child she 'was surrounded' by her large, loving family.

  • She was suddenly 'surrounded' by a crowd of excited fans.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) It's crucial that we let them charge at us. They've got the numbers, we need the patience. If we let him buckle our center, he'll pursue. Then we'll have him surrounded on three sides. Did you really think that cunt would fight you man-to-man? No. But I wanted to make him angry. I want him coming (..)
    2016 TvShow: Game of Thrones Title: Battle of the Bastards Season: 6 Episode 9
  • (..) to classify your species ... ... and I realized ... ... that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet ... ... instinctively develops an equilibrium with the surrounding environment. But you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply ... ... and multiply until every (..)
    1999 The Matrix
  • (..) just like before. Forget it. We go any deeper, we just raise the stakes. I am sitting this one out on this level. COBB: Fischer's security is surrounding this place. Ten hours of flight time is a week at this level. That means each and every one of us will be killed. That I can guarantee you. (..)
    2010 Inception