

  • noun: a sudden sharp hissing or sibilant sound
  • verb: to close, open, or connect something with a zipper
  • verb: to move, act, or function with speed and vigor
  • often used with 'up'
  • synonyms: sound, whizz, zing


  • We 'zipped' [='rushed'] through the store to find my sister some jeans.

  • We'll try to add a little 'zip' [='zing'] to the usual recipe.

  • The city council has done 'zip' to deal with this problem.

Movie clips

Movie quotes

  • (..) No! Think about it! I just found out that my cabIe show... onIy reaches peopIe. Wanting to rock the world, but having zip power like me-- now, that's a nightmare. But you--Wow! I mean... MIA: What is so ''Wow''? Wow is having the power (..)
    2001 The Princess Diaries
  • (..) in my garden for the rest of your life. Maybe you can just pay me. Yeah, very funny. What kind of job could I ever get? - Yeah you're right, nobody would ever hire you. Look I am just kidding zip... I mean. You can get a job. You can get a job everywhere. Like what? How about construction? - Me? (..)
    2008 Gran Torino
  • (..) that this date kicks off a rather unpleasant six months of the two of you passing awkwardly in the hall, until one of you breaks down and moves to another zip code. You could've stopped at "it could go well. " If I could've,I would've. I mean,I'm a perfectly nice guy. (..)
    2007 TvShow: The Big Bang Theory Title: The Fuzzy Boots Corollary Season: 1 Episode 3